Solar For You

Your subcontractor for building a photovoltaics park

we are

SOLAR FOR YOU was established thanks to the commitment and passion for renewable energy sources. At Solar For You we’re doing what we should be doing: creating transformational change for a cleaner future by delivering world-class projects and smart solutions across the circular economy model. Our belief is that renewable energy is the most important thing for the next decades for our planet. Solar energy is unique. It has the power to transform the planet and the way we think.

Since 2010, our team worked as an subcontractor and our main specialty and experience is the installation of solar farms all over Europe. Besides years of experience we have in our portfolio large scale projects done under known players on the European market and beyond.

During 11 years of our activity we Installed over 450 MW, that makes us an serious and experienced partner in the photovoltaic sector on the European market. We are proud to say that we are ahead in the solar business and
dedicated to expand our knowledge and business model.

We are certified in accordance with PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 and PN-EN ISO 14001:2015. By conforming to the requirements of this standard, our customers can be sure that the quality of our services is at the highest level. We strive to take care of every detail and continuously improve our quality management system.

Numbers to be rechecked

of experience
0 Years
of electricity produced
0 kWh
of total power of our installations
0 MW
solar panels by 2020
0 +

What we do

The overall process of building photovoltaic farms:

Our strengths


Our projects in France:

We also provide solar systems as a roof installations. Please find below following investments which we already built:



5 MW


0,73 MW


2,2 MW



Bollene replacement of modules about

350 pieces

Claret - 2 installation each

100 kWp

Espinasses - 2 installation each

100 kWp

Gréoux-les-Bains replacement of damaged modules

80 MW

Radomyśl Wielki

49,84 kWp


Stages of cooperation

Feasibility study of the project

We will conduct a preliminary study of the site where the future plant will be standing. We will use our know how to as well our experience to determine and to estimate. From the ground study reports to the structure that shall be used to the manhours necessary for the execution of the project. Moreover, we will also verify whether the plot meets formal requirements.

Offer, decision and signing of the contract

On the basis of the conducted feasibility of the project, we will present you with a short and comprehensible offer and the planning schedule with all the milestones adjusted to your need. The offer will clearly define the scope of our involvement. Such as the total cost of the investment. It shall include precise pricing of the installation as modules, inverters, cabling, earthing, structural steel assembly. After the acceptance of our offer, we shall sign a contract that defines our scope and bilateral obligation and start the execution of the project based on it.

Our individual approach based on the need of the client and our flexibility

We value the partnership model and the client is number one for us therefore we tailor the approach based on the clarity and honesty. During the realization the client has a clear see through in the form of reports tailored to his needs as well constant contact with our team.

Fleet and man power

To execute any project we need to have the right tools and an experienced team. At the moment we have over hundred experienced workers, two drilling machines, four pilling machines and our own forklifts. So be assured that we have the necessary steel and man power.


Our goal is zero accidents and we are proud that during the last 10 years we haven’t had any major accident. Therefore our health and safety engineer determines the dangers related to each project and enforces all the implemented safety protocols. Simply, zero accidents.

Construction of a photovoltaic farm

After receiving all the extensive documentation signed by an underwriter we start the execution phase. From the land surveying to the material management to the ssembly we carefully step by step manage the project realization. Our team is experienced and dedicated and possess many years of experience in the photovoltaic installations. The power plant assembly will be made by our certified team of fitters drillers and electricians dedicated to the project.

Transfer of investment

Congratulations! You have your own solar power plant. Less C02 emission’s and green energy for years.

ul. Irysowa 9
55-040 Bielany Wrocławskie

KRS: 0000759607
NIP: 691 251 32 06
REGON: 363199492

Formularz rekrutacyjny

PRZEŚLIJ CV (dozwolone typy plików: jpg, pdf, doc, docx, rtf)
Administratorem danych osobowych jest SOLAR FOR YOU Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Bielanach Wrocławskich, ul. Irysowa 9. Dane osobowe wskazane w Kodeksie pracy lub w innych ustawach szczegółowych, przetwarzamy w oparciu o przepisy prawa i ich podanie jest konieczne do wzięcia udziału w rekrutacji. Pozostałe dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w oparciu o Państwa dobrowolną zgodę. Dane będą przetwarzane w celu przedstawienia oferty współpracy, w tym będą również udostępniane potencjalnym pracodawcom (kontrahentom spółki) oraz w celach kontaktowych. Podane dane osobowe będą udostępniane wyłącznie w celach rekrutacji na wybrane stanowisko. Dane nie będą przekazywane do państw spoza UE. Informujemy ponadto, że mają Państwo prawo dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, w tym uzyskania ich kopii, sprostowania, żądania ich usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania oraz przeniesienia danych osobowych (na których przetwarzanie wyraziła Pani/wyraził Pan zgodę) do innego administratora danych. Ma Pani/Pan także prawo do wniesienia skargi do właściwego organu nadzoru oraz cofnięcie – w każdym czasie - zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych. Cofnięcie zgody pozostaje bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody, przed jej cofnięciem. Okres retencyjności danych wynosi 3 miesiące. W razie pytań dotyczących zasad prywatności i przetwarzania danych w SOLAR FOR YOU Sp. z o.o. prosimy o kontakt pod adresem email: